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Positive Impacts of Lockdown

Writer's picture: GEGSGEGS

Hi everyone! I am Jugan. How are you doing? I hope you are safe at home. It's been a while since I posted a blog. I hope you will like it. So, this blog is about lockdown due to COVID-19.

We are in a new phase of life but our strength and perseverance will get us through it. Everyone's going through a bit of an unprecedented time due to the spread of this virus. In our country, the Govt. has ordered us to stay at our homes in order to be safe. Some people are also sharing their views about this on social media. So, I thought, "Why not share my opinions with you guys?"

Well, I will try to be brief but this topic is kinda broad so it can be a little long. First of all, I am gonna talk about the impacts of lockdown on humans as we, humans tend to think about ourselves first. The impacts differ from person to person. Middle class and wealthy people are not that affected but the daily wage workers have trouble in fulfilling their requirements as they get paid on a daily basis. Also, some people have stockpiled things in their houses. Instead of doing that, we should try to help poor people as much as we can.

In today's world, we can't imagine ourselves to be in hard circumstances. I never thought that something we can't even see would cause such a chaos in the world. We need to realize that there can be someday when things will not work out according to our will and we should stay prepared for that. These days, we are finding it difficult to stay at our own houses, then think about those people who are in prison or those who have met with an accident and are hospitalized. We feel that we are locked in our own houses but it is for our safety.

We can utilise this time to do many things that we couldn't do on work days. We can spend more time with our families. This pandemic has made us realize the importance of togetherness. When I go on the rooftop and look around I can see people on their rooftops and in their gardens. Some of them are playing with their kids or dogs while some are just chilling on the grass and having some tea.

A funny incident also happened. I was on the rooftop with my mom and dad. We saw that there was a couple who were on the road for evening walk which is currently against the norms. At the same time, police officials were patrolling. When that couple saw the van of the police, the husband ran into one of the streets leaving his wife behind. She came into our street and when the van left then the wife went to her husband. We did not see them after that day.

During this time we can also get to know ourselves more. We can try doing new things. Since a long time, I wanted to learn drawing because I was not really good at it. Now, I started drawing as I have some more time to try different things and I got better at it. Reading is one of my hobbies and I am always eager to rustle the pages of the books lying in my bookshelf. It's been a month since lockdown started and I have read five books named 'The Murder at the Orient Express', '12 Rules for Life', 'The Cursed Child' and two books of 'The Maze Runner' series. Now, I have started my sixth book too. This is quite a big achievement for me as I was not able to read books last 2 months due to exams. I also learnt cooking with my mom's help.

Now, I want to talk about the impacts of lockdown on our precious nature. Most of the factories are closed and most public transport has been suspended due to which pollution has decreased. I also noticed that at night we can see the stars more clearly. Being a person who loves photography I can see that there is a change around us. I clicked some photos of sunset and stars at night which came out pretty nice.

This pandemic has offered some respite to the natural world with clear skies and the return of wildlife. The birds can be heard chirping outside. Today, I was thrilled to spot a monkey that came to our house and started climbing the stairs of our house and reached the terrace. Everyday there is a chipmunk that comes to collect grains that we put out for it. All these things brighten my day. The animals must be shocked at the sudden change in their surroundings.

We forgot that humans don't own this Earth. We share this planet with other living beings. We have occupied the habitat of animals, birds, etc. Now that we are inside our houses, the animals can finally get outside without any fear. Minds of humans have gone wrong, we think that Earth is only ours. In reality, we all are guests here and after playing our roles everyone has to leave the stage.

Well, that is all I wanted to share with you guys. I hope you will stay at your houses and be safe but don't be a couch potato. There are many things we can do by staying at homes too. B'bye until next time.


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